
About PT Business Academy

PT Business Academy, formerly PT Mechanics, has been your one-stop shop for Personal Trainer business support, guidance, and community since 2018.

PT Business Academy was formed when we noticed how little support was available to budding PTs in need of help scaling, growing and setting up their businesses. Combining expert marketing know-how with friendly, supportive coaching, we’re here to fill that gap—and fill it well.

Actionable steps to scale your PT business

1:1 coaching, guidance, advice and strategy planning

Designed for all levels, experiences, and PT types

I’m Adam, PTBA’s founder and your
newest and biggest cheerleader.

I began PT Business Academy with one central goal: To help you, your business, and your mindset succeed. Your success is my success.

I fell in love with business coaching for the same reason I originally fell in love with being a PT myself—it’s addictive helping people smash their goals. And that’s what I’m here to do: Help you pinpoint where you want your business to be, and helping you get exactly there.

If you’re looking for a magic bullet, an elusive formula, or a secret sauce to overnight success, I don’t think PTBA is for you. But if you’re passionate about what you do, you WANT more for yourself, and you’re willing to work at it, I think we’re going to get along pretty damn well.

What to expect when working
with our team of legends.

Intimate industry knowledge

All of our coaches and mentors at PTBA have walked the walk as a PT themselves, so they know the ins and outs of the industry with first-hand experience. No armchair experts here, just real life success stories sharing their knowledge!

Hear from diverse experiences

At PTBA, we bring in experienced PTs and top experts to provide you with the highest level of information. By hearing from a range of experiences, you gain a more well-rounded understanding of how to successfully market, sell, and organize your business.

Accelerate & boost your business

We thoroughly believe that you can boost your business, no matter where you’re at in your biz journey! PT Business Academy is for all levels, from beginners through to veterans looking to accelerate their growth. Everybody is welcome at PTBA.


So, are you ready to level up your PT biz game?

Scale your biz, starting NOW:
Join PT Business Mastery

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and just over putting in the effort but seeing minimal results, PT Business Academy was created for you.
